What exactly is “break/fix” regarding IT? Essentially, the customer has technology, and when it breaks, they make a phone call. Things only get done once the customer makes that call. “There’s fire coming out of the side of my box; can you come over here and take care of it?” Do you go to the Emergency Room or the Doctor
If your small business uses ten or more computers, you have a choice in IT services and support. You can rush into the emergency room, that is, call in a temporary IT service provider every time anything goes wrong with an office computer, or you can opt for the managed care of a primary physician, that is a regular IT
Over the past 30 years we have made some incredible strides in the cell phone arena. I’m pretty sure most of us can do an entire day’s work from our phones which is a huge change from the ol’ bag phones we used to have to lug around. But, without the right protection put in place, working from your
Over the past 30 years we have made some incredible strides in the cell phone arena. I’m pretty sure most of us can do an entire day’s work from our phones which is a huge change from the ol’ bag phones we used to have to lug around. But, without the right protection put in place, working from your cool,
There’s no amount of security that makes a small business owner feel comfortable. The number of hackers and attacks are rising; large corporations are getting scammed out of millions of dollars…where does that leave your business? Through no fault of their own, employees are usually your weakest link when it comes to information security. This can be easily combated by
Email spoofing is a type of phishing scam that involves specific tactics meant to deceive the recipient into releasing some type of personal, professional, or financial information. Spoofing email scams have claimed victims in every state and in at least 79 countries amounting to more than $2.3 billion in losses. The hacker forges his/her email address and formats the body
Summary: Ransomware is a family of malware that blocks access to a PC, server or mobile device, or encrypts all the data stored on that machine. Get and manage a backup system BEFORE you get hit with Ransomware! Ransomware is a growing threat to businesses of all sizes. A 2016 IBM survey of 600 businesses shows that nearly half of
After April 11, Vista will be unsupported forever. In a month’s time, Microsoft will put Windows Vista to rest once and for all. If you’re one of the few people still using it, you have just a few weeks to find another option before time runs out. After April 11, 2017, Microsoft will no longer support Windows Vista: no
Over 230,000 new malware samples are created each day. That’s 230,000 new ways that hackers can find their way directly into your goldmine of personal and financial information. Cyber attacks are becoming much more common, more intricate, and more dangerous. It’s now more important than ever to be conscious of links you’re clicking, specifically on social media. Around 600,000 Facebook
Have you ever received an email that just didn’t seem right? It could have been from a company executive, the government, a bank, or even a good friend. The email asks you to click a link, visit a website, fill out a form, open a document or view an image and before you know it your computer has been
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