Its YOUR opportunity to ask a question, any tech related question and we will do our level best to give you our best advice. If you want to submit a question, just send me an email to [email protected] and add “Dear Dave” to the subject line.
On to our question …
Dear Dave,
I have a 3 month old Samsung smart phone and it seems to take about 1,000 swipes to unlock it. What gives? How to fix it?
Defeated in Dedham
Dear Defeated,
All is not lost! Since the unit is only a few months old, I would suggest that you bring it in to one of the Verizon stores, they can take a look and see if it’s a setting or just a bad screen. If it turns out to be the screen, most times they can arrange a warranty swap getting you a replacement phone and can transfer everything over. Let me know…
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